Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Do what I say...not what I do...

I have started making my bed every day. As most people who know me, know that this might get done on a weekly or bi-weekly basis when the sheets are freshly washed...otherwise I burrow into my bed....now that I think of it...I burrow into my bed much like my weiner dog does ;(. Mmmm...

I have started picking the cothes up off of my floor. It is true that there have been fewer clothes on the floor since the inception of the handy hamper in the main bathroom, but the transition of not being able to fit into any of my clothes has caused my useless clothing items to be abandoned on the floor in no man's land. But, I recently bought a new dresser to put everything in its place.

So at 31, mom, I have learned to clean my room and make my bed.

I have come to realise what it is that makes our parents appear not human at all to us as children and teenagers. Because at this juncture in my life, where I start saying things like "put everything in its place" and I start cleaning my room and making my bed and tidying all the live long day...I realise that as we realise we have to set an example we set a higher standard for ourselves to be better people for our children.

I dread the day...I forget to make my bed...and the little spud call me on it.

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