Tuesday, March 15, 2005

A first time for everything

There is only a first time once - Here are some special first time moments that I have expereince so far:

Getting pregnant on the first try - oops...that was quick!

The first time you experience your hips shifting and your wiggle turns into a waddle - reality starts to set in that you may never walk the same again. Will you forget to get your wiggle back?

The first time you see your baby swim around on the ultrasound monitor and fall in love with them - you are touched in a way that you cannot explain.

The first time you can really feel your baby move...and it's not gas - you suddenly realise how intimate the experience of carrying a child can be. I want to say hi there little person...Are you OK in there?

The first time you catch a glipse of your expanding midsection from the side...at first it weird, but you can't help but admire the capacity of your body to accomodate these changes and admire how beautiful it looks.

The first time you hear your heartbeat and theirs - you realise there are two heart beats - when you really realise that there is another life there to take care of.

The first time you realise that you are really going to be somebody's mom and you realise that this small beautiful life will bring so much joy and without knowing it, will also be the scariest undertaking of your life.

As my belly continues to grow and get larger...I am at 42inches right now and I can't beleive there could actually be more to go... I am sure that there will be more firsts - but the one I look forward to the most is the first time that we look into our daughter's eyes.

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