Friday, January 28, 2005

So, What's the Theme for your Nursery?

There are many mysteries to having a baby. ONe of them is that no one knows where amniotic fluid comes from - no clue. The other mysteries are the unending number of gadgets and such used to make your child a genious before age 3 and to make you more comfortable.. There is a dollar to be made everywhere on a fretting parent.

So when my co-worker asked me what the theme was for my nursery...i was like...uh? Theme? It has to have a theme? I gues.."Second Hand" - Cause that's all I'm gonna get for this fast growing tyke... music lessons for his developing brain. While I think that Al's threat to put the tyke in a clementine box for the first couple of weeks was a bit over the may come close ;)

What theme did the pioneers have for their nurseries?

Monday, January 24, 2005

Baby dream

Last night, I dreamt that the baby was a boy. Maybe it is my thoughts of having to break the legs of a future daughter's future boyfriends' legs that has subconsciously made me fear having a girl. I know that I don't have a preference either way. Actually, I think that I would be great to (eventually) have one of each. I also had a baby dream a while ago. It wasn't our baby this time. I was just holding someone else's and felt really good to do so. I think it was after that point that I really decided that I wanted that have kids. It's a good thing because we got pregnant 2 months after that.

I will not drop the baby. I will not drop the baby.

My biggest fear is that Iwill drop the baby. I've dropped many things before and I'll probably drop many things again. I've dropped coins while trying to put them into parking meters. I dropped a large pickle jar on the floor while bringing it up from the basement. I have dropped many football passes. And even recently, I dropped a book. To my credit, I have never dropped Rocky even though I almost slammed the car door on his tail. Babies are squirmy and slippery. Maybe I'll use ultra grip golf gloves while handling the baby or maybe I'll keep a helmet on the baby.

Clean your room

Yesterday, I spoke to our unborn baby for the first time. I placed my lips on my wife's belly and loudly spoke the words "Clean your room!'. I can't even fathom a guess of the number of times I was told by my parents to clean my room. Things changed because of this simple, silly act. I actually feel like a dad now. Before, it was like this whole pregancy thing wasn't real or it just hadn't registered what it really meant. We've been late, we've been lost, we've been happy and sad but now we are pregnant! I believe the great Mr. H. J. Simpson said it best when he finally came to the realization that his wife was pregnant. Waaaahhhhh, doh, wob-wob, yeeeeaa##$%$#.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Baby Names - A start

This will be a preemptive strike in case I par chance seemingly steal someone's beloved baby name they have been saving since their toddlerhood -dated and time stamped here are some names I have compiled to date (not necessarily in the order of selection):

Nora, Elena, , Liisa, Aven, Evan, Petra, Parker,Vivaa.

A noble woman, Goddess of love
Of the Earth
Ella Fitzgerald
powerful and regal
Eva (Gaelic spelling- Aoife)
"Beautiful, radiant, joyful."
Known as the greatest woman warrior in the world, Aoife was the mother of Cuchulainn's only son, Connlach. Aoife Dearg ("Red Aoife") was a daughter of a king of Connacht who had her marriage arranged by St. Patrick himself.
From damh "deer" and the diminutive -in it means "little deer."

Evan Alexander Rebane

This is not THE list - will likely add and update as something comes along ;)

Monday, January 17, 2005

I'm Not Ready for the Video yet...

There are still moments when I think - Maybe I am just getting fat. But I know that I am not just getting fat - but I ma getting more pregnant all the time. Apparently, as I move through the second trimester I ma to gain a pound a week for the next three months...on average. That's a lot of pounds, and I hope to god not to hit the 200 pound mark by the end of it all.

I cannot help but think about how the end of thejourney will turn out as I move closer to "the day" everyday. Time flys. I can hardly be getting ahead of myself - heck it'll be six months in no time! So what will the end be like. I liken this journey so far to being on a roller coaster...the really scary one that your friends dare you to go on and you get on and think "god what am I doing - this is gonna hurt?". You tense up in know this baby is gonna drop and it is gonna take all your insides with it and all you can do is breathe and coax yourself into a tolerate state of fear. Then it falls...ahhhhhhhhhhhh! It was worse than you could imagine nad you know there's worse to come! You get the idea. But then, when it is all over you have braggin rights and you can tell others it really wasn't that bad at all - you thought it would be worse - but if you could do it anyone could. And now earned the right to smile sideways knowing...they are in for the ride of their life and good luck to'em!

But, as a mild 14 weeks, I have a blissful ignorance that I can hold to. My feet are still on the ground, no one is kicking me from the inside and I can still pretent (on occaission) that I can be selfish and spoil myself a little. So for now, when the midwife asks " We have some videos in our loaning library if you are interested?" I can still reply..."Nope, I still not ready to face the reality of it yet..there be enough time to do htat later...".

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Colds and Pregnancy don't mix

I caught an awful cold yesterday. So now, on top of the aches and pains in general - no I can't breathe! Now it's not just getting up int he middle of the night to pee htat is keeping me up, but my nose keeps running too!

Cold medicines are not allowed ;(

So, how am I managing? Well, more traditionally methods do not have the fast acting effect of say Nyquil, but it eventually works. I have taken about three wam baths with 2 drops each of bergamot, eucalyptus and tea tree oil. The slight elevation in temperature boostes the imune system while the oils work to clear the congestion. In addition, I made good old fashioned chicken soup, minestrone soup and I have drank plenty of liquids and have had plenty of rest.

I expect to kick this thing by tomorrow...mostly anyway.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Getting my Pepper Back

It is closing in on my 12th week. I have only recently been getting my energy back. THank goodness ,I think the house is going to fall apart. People may come into my messy house and think "oh boy. poor kid". Apprently there is a "nesting" period where you try to get everything in order and ready and in its place...maybe there is a molly miracle maid that comes with that nesting instinct, otherwise I cna't see how it could possibly happen. I have been trying to put everything in its place for ages now.

Ultrasound 11 weeks

Ultrasound 11 weeks

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Baby's First Ultrasound 11.5 weeks

Yesterday we went for our first ultrsound. I was excited to see what it looked like, but att he same time thought "it'll look like every other ultrasound". And - it did, only that it was my ultrasound - that made it special. But it wasn't the picture that really made it magic, it was seeing the baby moving, alive inside me for the first time - I thought I would cry. It was so moving - I can't explain.

So the baby is actually 11 1/2 weeks not 12 1/2. So the new due date is July 23, 2005.

It is becoming more real, and when it isn't scary as is almost exciting.