Tuesday, May 31, 2005

One Way or Another - It's Gotta Come out!

I once had a total meltdown in the dentist chair when I was getting a cavity filled. I just freaked and screamed and knew the only way out was to to be impossible. I remember the dentist saying, quite sternly, "One way or another, this is getting done!". I have never had such a sense of powerlessness and dispair of not having any control over what was being done to my body.

There is a similar feeling when I consider, on the odd day that I am not in complete denial, that whether I am on board or not this baby is coming out someway. As my belly gets bigger, the thought of it gets harder and harder to imagine. How will it fit?I mean I know the proportional ratio of baby head to vagina...I might not have passed calculus, but let's face it this is an easy one. How do you just give yourself over to something so overwhelming?

Having no idea how you will react and how everyone around you will react really makes planning or setting expectations a real tricky one. One thing that is for sure is that I am planning on having a doula there - at least someone will be 100% sure of what is happening and how to maek things somewhat better. In spite of all my angst, I am hoping for a natural birth sans epidural. I would have thought that I lost my mind, or that aliens would have taken over my brain if I heard myself say tha a few months ago... but, I just want to have as few problems as possible. But, hey if I need I need it...and we'll take it from there.

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