Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Firs Appointment with the Doc - Week 8

Hello fellow secret keepers,

Well I just got back from the doctors office and it's official - the sore boobs, cramping and general malaise are not from a mpending period and a hangover...I am definitely pregnant with the little person expected to arrive by July 20th! Start booking time off...I'm not doing this alone!

I have not gained weight yet..in fact I lost three pounds (probably from dehydration) from my last visit. I have been very lucky so far - no nausea...just really tired. My uterus has gone from the size of a fist to a big florida grapefriut. Got all kinds of blood taken today to check a bunch of stuff, mostly my thyroid...and got some pamphlets and stuff. Relatively uneventful.

Baby no longer looks like a tadpole - he/she had his/her first heartbeat at 6 weeks, and is growing a little brain and spinal cord and now has little ears and eyes and arms that bend...but fingers are still to come. Baby is not even an inch long! Next week will be 9 weeks and apparently may waist should start to get thicker (I think I was already ahead of the game there, so maybe not (hell I hope not or I will have to go shopping).

Things that don't happen when you are pregnant:
1) The hormones do not put you in a la la state that makes you think labour will be a piece of cake...I'm scared Sh#less...
2) You do not have an overwhelming urge to pick up every toddler/baby in site...if anything...you savour the time that you don't have to. If you guys are in I am going on the biggest "spoil myself rotten" binge over the next 7 months...that means, massage, pedicures, facials, long quiet baths, hell I might even book a trip to Mexico - Are guys game?

Anyhow, I just I'd keep you in the loop. Everything is going exceptionally well. I meet with the mid-wife next week. I will likely have her for my primary care if she can take me ;).

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